Front-Panel Overview
To start and stop an acquisition
To start and stop an acquisition
• When the Run/Stop key is illuminated in green, the oscilloscope is in
continuous running mode.
You are viewing multiple acquisitions of the same signal similar to the way an
analog oscilloscope displays waveforms.
• When the Run/Stop key is illuminated in red, the oscilloscope is stopped.
“Stop” is displayed in the trigger mode position in status line at the top of the
display. You may now pan and zoom the stored waveform by turning the
Horizontal and Vertical knobs.
The stopped display may contain several triggers worth of information, but only
the last trigger acquisition is available for pan and zoom. To ensure the display
does not change, use the Single key to be sure you have acquired only one
•The Run/Stop key may flash between a user requesting a Stop and the
completion of the current acquisition.
To make a single acquisition
The Single run control key lets you view single-shot events without subsequent
waveform data overwriting the display. Use Single when you want maximum
memory depth for pan and zoom and you want the maximum sample rate.
1 First set trigger Mode/Coupling Mode softkey to Normal.
This keeps the oscilloscope from autotriggering immediately.
2 If you are using the analog channels to capture the event, turn the
Trigger Level knob to the trigger threshold where you think the trigger
should work.
3 To begin a single acquisition, press the
Single key.
When you press Single, the display is cleared, the trigger circuitry is armed, the
Single key is illuminated, and the oscilloscope will wait until a trigger condition
occurs before it displays a waveform.
When the oscilloscope triggers, the single acquisition is displayed and the
oscilloscope is stopped (Run/Stop key is illuminated in red). Press Single again
to acquire another waveform.