Acu-Rite 9150 Weather Radio User Manual

My Dashboard
The dashboard displays all of your widgets for your
sensor(s), think of it as your weather home page. From
the dashboard you can access and use all of the features
of the Acu-Link system.
My Sources
The sources list will display the available weather widgets
for your bridge. If you are subscribing to a friendʼs
bridge, that bridge and itʼs available shared sources will
show up under the “My Sources” list as well.
Each weather category is given itʼs own “widget” that
will display the latest information as well as the daily and
weekly records. Each widget also allows you to chart the
data and set alarms for that weather category. Most
widgets will also have a “settings” button which allows
you to rename the sensor, set sharing and unit
preferences (ºC or ºF, etc.)
Using the Web site
Adding Sources and Managing Sensors
For each Acu-Link web bridge there is a “MANAGE
SENSORS” window that shows you all the sensors that
the bridge is receiving. If you want these sensors to be
available in the “My Sources” list, you can add them by
clicking the “MANAGE SENSORS” button.
Manage Sensors
2. Click the “ + ” button
to add a sensor to the
dashboard source list
Manage Sensors
3. Click “SAVE”
4. Sensor data
now available
1. Click on the
“Manage Sensors”