My Web Bridges
(MAC Address)
The “Name” that you type will appear on the dashboard as the bridge
name. It will also appear on the title bar of each widget. This helps to
identify multiple bridges and locations, as well as allowing you to
personalize your weather.
Acu-Link Tip
The Acu-Link system allows you to add multiple bridges to your account
from multiple locations (for example- a bridge at your home and a bridge
at your business or at another property). You would add additional bridges
from this same window by clicking on the “+” button again.
Acu-Link Tip
Acu-Link Tip
Registration - Web site
4. Select “SETUP MY BRIDGE” from the web site drop
down menu in the upper right corner of the web site.
5. Click on the “ + ” button to add your bridge.
6. Enter your unique DEVICE ID (MAC address) and the
geographic location that the Acu-Link Internet Bridge will
be operating from.
7. Click “SAVE” to complete the registration process. You
will then be returned to the DASHBOARD page. Widgets
will automatically show up on the dashboard. Note that
your widgets may display “-- --” values initially or will not
show at all, this is normal until data is received.
After a minute or so, press your browserʼs “REFRESH” or
“RELOAD” button to refresh the page.
Click to save settings