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Using the User Interface
User Interface
(UI) is a text-based maintenance tool integrated into the AP.
It provides statistical displays, AP configuration options, and firmware upgrades.
Access to the UI requires one of the following:
Method Description
Telnet Client Gain access to the AP built-in Telnet server from any AP
interface including remote Ethernet connections.
Direct Serial
Acts as a DTE device to connect directly to a DTE device with
a null-modem serial cable. The direct serial access method
requires a communication program with ANSI emulation.
Dial Up Access The dial-up access method requires a communication program
with ANSI emulation on the remote terminal or PC. The
terminal or PC dials to an AP with a modem connection. The AP
supports connection to a Hayes-compatible 28,800-baud or
faster modem.
SNMP Via a
MIB Browser
Gain access to the AP SNMP function via a MIB Browser.
Web Browser Gain access to the AP built-in Web server from any AP interface
including remote Ethernet connections.