TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Negative overshoot, 3–89
Negative width, 3–89
Negative, Main Trigger menu, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
No Process, More menu, 3–144
reducing in FFTs, 3–154
reducing in phase FFTs, 3–148, 3–157
Noise Rej, Main Trigger menu, 3–58
NOR, Glossary–7
NOR, Main Trigger menu, 3–66, 3–68
Normal trigger mode, 3–51, Glossary–7
Normal, Color menu, 3–34
Normal, Main Trigger menu, 3–59
NTSC, Display menu, 3–31
Nyquist frequency, 3–155
OFF (Real Time Only), Acquire menu, 3–24
Off Bus, Utility menu, 3–131
DC. See DC Offset
Vertical, 3–13
vertical, 3–153, 3–164, 3–169
Offset, Vertical menu, 3–13
OK Confirm Clear Spool, Hardcopy menu, 3–126
OK Create Math Wfm, More menu, 3–143
OK Create Measurement, Measure Delay menu, 3–95
OK Erase Ref & Panel Memory, Utility menu, 3–113
OK Store Template, Acquire menu, 3–139
ON (Enable ET), Acquire menu, 3–24
ON/STBY button, 1–5, 2–3
Optical probes, E–5
Options, A–1–A–6
Options, Color menu, 3–36
OR, Glossary–7
OR, Main Trigger menu, 3–66, 3–68
Oscilloscope, Glossary–7
Overall, Display menu, 3–29
Overshoot, Glossary–8
Overwrite Lock, File Utilities menu, 3–120
P6205 Active Probe, 1–3
Packaging, C–1
Paired cursor, 3–97
PAL, Display menu, 3–31
Palette, Color menu, 3–33
Palette, Hardcopy menu, 3–123
Passive voltage probes, E–1–E–6
Pattern trigger, 3–61
How to setup, 3–64–3–86
PCX, 3–121
PCX Color, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
PCX, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
Peak detect acquisition mode, 3–22, Glossary–7
Peak Detect, Acquire menu, 3–23
Peak to peak, 3–89, Glossary–7
Period, 3–89, Glossary–7
Persistence, 3–28
Persistence Palette, Color menu, 3–34
Phase, 3–89, Glossary–7
Phase suppression, 3–157
Pixel, Glossary–8
Polarity and Width, Main Trigger menu, 3–73
Polarity, Main Trigger menu, 3–74, 3–77
Pop-up menu, 2–8, Glossary–8
Port, Hardcopy menu, 3–123
Port, Utility menu, 3–131
Portrait, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
Vertical, 3–11
vertical, 3–153, 3–164, 3–169
Position, Vertical menu, 3–12
Positive duty cycle, 3–89
Positive overshoot, 3–89
Positive width, 3–89
Positive, Main Trigger menu, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
Postscript, 3–121
Posttrigger, Glossary–8
Power connector, 1–4, 2–5
Power cords, A–1
Power off, 1–6
Power on, 1–5
Pretrigger, Glossary–8
Preview, Zoom menu, 3–40
Principal power switch, 1–5, 2–5
Print, File Utilities menu, 3–119
Printer (Color), Option 5, A–2
Printing a Hardcopy, Reference Article, 3–120
Probe Cal, 3–104–3–110
Probe usage, 1–3
Accessories, A–4
Active voltage, E–3–E–6
Compensation, 2–15, Glossary–8
Compensation of, 3–3
Compensation Signal, 2–13
Connection, 2–9
Current, E–4
Definition, Glossary–8
Differential active, E–3