Saving Waveforms and Setups
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
NOTE. The amount of free space on the disk is shown in the upper right corner of
the display. The oscilloscope shows the amount in Kbytes (or in Mbytes if the
free space is 1 Mbyte or more). To convert the amount to bytes, you simply
multiply the Kbytes amount times 1024. Thus, the 690 Kbytes shown in Figure
3–68 = 690 Kbytes x 1024 bytes/Kbyte = 706,560 bytes.
To delete a file or directory, turn the general purpose knob until it scrolls the
cursor over the name of the file or directory to delete. Then, press the side menu
Delete button.
To delete all files in the file list, set the cursor to the *.* selection.
The oscilloscope deletes directories recursively. That means it deletes both the
directories and all their contents.
Figure 3–68: File Utilities
To rename a file or directory, turn the general purpose knob until it scrolls the
cursor over the name of the file or directory to delete. For example, to rename
the target file whose default name is TEK????? set the cursor over its name.
Then, press the side menu Rename button. (See Figure 3–69).
The labeling menu should appear. Turn the general purpose knob or use the
main-menu arrow keys to select each letter. Press Enter Char from the main
To Delete
To Rename