TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
1/seconds (Hz), Cursor menu, 3–101
20 MHz, Vertical menu, 3–12
250 MHz, Vertical menu, 3–12
AC coupling, Glossary–1
AC line voltage, trigger input, 3–50
AC, Main Trigger menu, 3–58
Accept Glitch, Main Trigger menu, 3–73
Accessories, A–1–A–6
Optional, A–4–A–6
Probes, A–4
Software, A–5
Standard, A–3, A–5
Accuracy, Glossary–1
Acquire menu, 3–23
Average, 3–23
Average mode, 3–138
Compare Ch1 to, 3–140
Compare Ch2 to, 3–140
Compare Ch3 to, 3–140
Compare Ch4 to, 3–140
Compare Math1 to, 3–140
Compare Math2 to, 3–140
Compare Math3 to, 3–140
Create Limit Test Template, 3–138
Envelope, 3–23
H Limit, 3–139
Hardcopy if Condition Met, 3–140
Hi Res, 3–23
Limit Test, 3–141
Limit Test Condition Met, 3–141
Limit Test Setup, 3–140, 3–141
Limit Test Sources, 3–140
Limit Testing, 3–138
OFF (Real Time Only), 3–24
OK Store Template, 3–139
ON (Enable ET), 3–24
Peak Detect, 3–23
Repetitive Signal, 3–24
Ring Bell if Condition Met, 3–140
RUN/STOP, 3–26
Sample, 3–23
Single Acquisition Sequence, 3–26
Stop After, 3–25, 3–141
Stop After Limit Test Condition Met, 3–140
Template Source, 3–138
V Limit, 3–139
ACQUIRE MENU button, 3–23, 3–138
Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms, 3–3
Acquisition, 3–16–3–48, Glossary–1
Interval, Glossary–1
Mode, envelope, 3–20
Average, 3–20, 3–48
Envelope, 3–48
Hi Res, 3–22, 3–48
Peak detect, 3–22
Sample, 3–20
Readout, 3–23
Acquisition mode, Choosing an, 3–16
Acquisition modes
How to select, 3–23
Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–46
Active cursor, Glossary–1
Active voltage probes, E–3–E–6
active, Saved waveform status, 3–114
Advanced applications, Features for, 3–137
Algorithms, B–1–B–14
Aliasing, 3–26, 3–155, Glossary–1
Amplitude, 3–88, Glossary–1
Amplitude Units, Cursor menu, 3–101
AND, Glossary–1
AND, Main Trigger menu, 3–66, 3–68
derivative math waveforms, 3–162
FFT math waveforms, 3–144
integral math waveforms, 3–165
Area, 3–88, Glossary–1
Attenuation, Glossary–2
Auto, Main Trigger menu, 3–59
Automated Measurements, Snapshot of, 2–23
Automated measurements, 2–19, 3–87
of derivative math waveforms, 3–163
(procedure), 3–163
of FFT math waveforms, 3–150
of integral math waveforms, 3–169
Automatic trigger mode, 3–51, Glossary–2
Autosave, Save/Recall Waveform menu, 3–116
Autoset, 2–14, 3–5–3–48, Glossary–2
Default settings, 3–6–3–48
How to execute, 3–6–3–48
AUTOSET button, 2–14
Auxiliary trigger, 3–50