Appendix A: Options and Accessories
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Optional Accessories
You can also order the optional accessories listed in Table A–3.
Table A–3: Optional Accessories
Accessory Part Number
Service Manual 070-8992-xx
Plotter (GPIB and Centronics Standard) HC100
Oscilloscope Cart K420
Rack Mount Kit (for field conversion) 016-1236-00
Soft-Sided Carrying Case 016-0909-01
Transit Case 016-1135-00
GPIB Cable (1 meter) 012-0991-01
GPIB Cable (2 meter) 012-0991-00
Centronics Cable 012-1250-00
The following optional accessory probes are recommended for use with your
H P6245 Active, high speed digital voltage probe. FET. DC to 1 GHz. 50 W
H P6101B 1X, 15 MHz, Passive probe.
H P6156 10X, 3.5 GHz, Passive, low capacitance, (low impedance Z
) probe.
Provides 100X, when ordered with Option 25.
H P6139A 10X, 500 MHz Passive probe.
H P6009 Passive, high voltage probe, 100X, 1500 VDC + Peak AC.
H P6015A Passive high voltage probe, 1000X, 20 kVDC + Peak AC
(40 kV peak for less than 100 ms).
H P6217 Active, high speed digital voltage probe. FET. DC to 4 GHz. DC
offset. 50 W input. Use with 1103 TekProbe Power Supply for offset control.
H P6204 Active, high speed digital voltage probe. FET. DC to 1 GHz. DC
offset. 50 W input. Use with 1103 TekProbe Power Supply for offset control.
H P6563AS Passive, SMD probe, 20X, 500 MHz
H P6046 Active, differential probe, 1X/10X, DC to 100 MHz, 50 W input.
Accessory Probes