Miscellaneous Commands
Table 18 Miscellaneous Commands
Command Description
SET DEFAULT Set parameters to factory defaults
EXIT This command exits the current configuration console session.
SH FATal Shows fatal error log, if fatal errors exist.
CL FATal Clears the fatal error log
INIT Instructs the server to execute a soft reset when the next exit command is
SET PAssword Sets the server access (read) password
SET POWERON Sets Power on delay
SH POWERON Displays Power on delay in seconds
SET PROTect Sets update password to the string given. If set, no configuration values
can be changed unless this password has been provided.
CL PROTect Sets update password to <null>.
SAVE Saves the current configuration to non-volatile memory.
Without this command, the configuration is not saved unless an EXIT
command is performed.
SH TEst Sends the configuration data via ASCII to the serial port
UNPROTECT If an update password has been defined (SET PROTECT), this command
enters the password to allow configuration items to be modified.
After entering this command, the server will prompt for the update
password. If entered properly, the user will then be able to execute SET
commands to modify the server configuration. This lasts only until the
console session is terminated with an EXIT command.
Help Commands
For help, simply enter HELP preceding the command. The correct syntax and a brief description of the
commands will display. For example, when inquiring for various commands to display specific IP
parameters, type HELP SHOW IP, or for commands to change specific wireless/network security
parameters, type HELP SET NWRK.
Page 58 Silex Console Commands
Part Number 140-00188-210A