Parameter Command Description
Echo control ATEn If n=0, commands are not echoed.
If n=1, subsequent commands will be echoed.
The default, upon unit reset, is for no echo (ATE0).
Disconnect ATHn If n=0, any connection to a remote host is dropped.
Other value of n is ignored.
Return to data mode ATOn Exits command mode and places the serial port in the
data mode.
All subsequent data is sent to the network application, if
connected, until an enter command mode sequence is
received. Any value of n is ignored, if present.
Quiet mode ATQn If n = 1, no result codes are returned.
If n = 0, result codes are returned to the local device.
0 is the reset default value.
Verbose mode ATVn If n = 0 and not in quiet mode, result codes are
returned in numerical form.
If n = 1, results are returned as text. 1 is the reset
default value.
Table 6 Extended AT Commands
Parameter Command Description
Console pass through AT#C<string> Passes the string to the server configuration console.
The string can be any valid console command. Refer
to your server documentation for console commands
available on your unit.
Since this command does not follow the normal AT
command format of <command><number>, it must
be the last command on the line unless the next
command is a '#' command. All characters up to the
end of line or a '# will be considered part of the
console command.
If console quiet mode is not is enabled, then the
response will be the standard console task response.
AT#Cset nw ssid silex#Csave
Console Quiet mode AT#Qn If n = 0, a response to a #C command is given.
If n = 1, the response is not provided. The default
after reset is 1.
Page 30 Silex Advanced Configuration
Part Number 140-00188-210A