Chapter 5
Advanced Configuration
The Serial Device Server Serial Device Server is equipped with a default configuration that works with
most serial-to-Ethernet connections. You can modify the settings to suit your installation requirements.
The web browser interface is the recommended method for setting advanced configuration parameters.
However, regardless of the method to access the configuration parameters, the method for modifying the
parameters is virtually identical.
Factory Default Settings
Table 3 displays the serial port configuration parameter descriptions and settings with the default settings
indicated in a separate column.
Table 3 Factory Default Settings
Parameter Description Settings Default Setting
Character Bits per character 7, 8 8
Flow Flow control None, XON, XOFF,
Parity Parity None, Even, Odd,
Mark, Space
Speed Baud rate of bits per second 300, 600,1200, 2400,
3600, 4800, 7200,
9600, 14400,19200,
38400, 57600, 76800,
115200, 230400,
460800, 921600
Stop Stop bits per character 1, 2 1
Ecaddr ECable destination IP address Set by user N/A
Econn ECable connection attempt time 1-255 seconds 30 seconds
Ecport ECable destination TCP port number Set by user N/A
Eclport ECable destination local IP port Set by user N/A
Page 26 Silex Advanced Configuration
Part Number 140-00188-210A