Chapter 4
Using the Serial Device Server with Your
The Serial Device Server includes a number of capabilities that enable it to be used in a wide range of
applications. These capabilities include:
1. Serial Port Emulator (SPE) software
2. Raw TCP connection
3. RFC2217
4. ECable Mode
5. Print Server mode
6. FTP
7. Console mode switching
8. AT commands
These methods are described in the following sections.
Serial Port Emulator
The Serial Port Emulator (SPE) software emulates a standard Windows COM port. That is, it creates a
virtual COM port that functions exactly like the Windows COM1 and COM2 serial ports, except that the I/
O actually goes out over the Ethernet or WLAN to the Serial Device Server and to the serial device that is
connected to the Serial Device Server. As a result, any application program that uses a standard
Windows COM port can also use the Serial Port Emulator. The SPE is therefore especially useful if you
have existing programs that use Windows COM ports.
The SPE software is a component on the CD-ROM that is included with the Serial Device Server, or it can
be downloaded from the Silex website. To install it, double click on the installer icon and follow the
installation instructions. When the installation is complete, you can run the SPE software by clicking Start
-> Programs -> Silex technology -> Serial Port Emulator -> Serial Port Emulator.
Configuring the Serial Device Server Silex Page 21
Part Number 140-00188-210A