b. Make sure that have a good cable connection between your serial device and the Serial
Device Server. If possible, try a different cable.
c. Make sure that the cable pinouts are correct. In order to communicate properly, the
transmit data line on the Serial Device Server must be connected to the receive data line
on your serial device, and the receive data line on the Serial Device Server must be
connected to the transmit data line on your serial device. Modem signals, if any, must
also be connected so that input signals are connected to output signals and vice-versa.
Refer to the cable diagrams in Chapter 2 of this manual.
d. Try printing a test page (if your serial device is not capable of directly displaying ASCII
character output from the Serial Device Server’s serial port, then disconnect the device
and connect a serial printer or terminal to the Serial Device Server). If the test page
prints OK, then the serial port on the Serial Device Server is working properly. If it does
not print, then double check steps 3a, 3b, and 3c.
If none of the above steps solves your problem, then check the Support and Downloads section of the
Silex website (www.silexamerica.com). You can also contact Silex support by phone, Email, or fax as
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm MST
Phone: US toll free: (866) 765-8761, International: 1 (801) 748 - 1199, Fax: 1 (801) 748-0730
Email: Tech support: support@silexamerica.com,
Be sure to have the following information ready when you call Silex support:
1. Model number and serial number of the Serial Device Server
2. Firmware version of the Serial Device Server
3. Your hardware and software environment:
a. Your CPU and operating system
b. Type of device that you are connecting to the Serial Device Server
c. Wireless/wired networking environment (for example, access point manufacturer/model,
wireless security, routers, etc.)
4. Description of the problem
Troubleshooting Silex Page 33
Part Number 140-00188-210A