412 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Fast decay and Slow decay, 321
Fixed Increment, 320
Number of Images, 320
Pulse Delay, 320
Pulse Width, 320
sequential exponential algorithm, 321
Amplitude parameter, 322
Time Constant parameter, 322
Time Constant, 321
PG-200 pulser, 181
PG-200 tab page
parameter descriptions, 324
PG-200 Triggers tab page, 324
PG-200 window
description, 325
Photon Estimation, 331
filter matrix, 165
PI Shell Extension, 332
PI-MAX detector, 257, 338
PI-MAX Intensified CCD Camera, 181
binning or grouping, 138
External Trigger, 233
Post processing Binning and Skipping, 172
Post processing histograms, 174
Post processing options
cross sections, 170
Post-acquisition mask-process options, 151
custom filter, 164
Edge Enhancement, 151
Morphological, 161
Sharpening, 155
Smoothing, 158
Pre Open, 369
Print dialog box
overview, 327
Print Preview, 178
Print Preview buttons
Close, 179
Next Page, 178
Prev Page, 178
Print, 178
Two Page, 178
Zoom In, 179
Zoom Out, 179
Print Preview screen, 327
Close, 328
Next Page, 327
Prev Page, 328
Print, 327
Two Page, 328
Zoom In, 328
Zoom Out, 328
Print Progress box
overview, 328
Print Setup dialog box
overview, 329
Printing, 177
color mapping, 178
saving as *.TIF file before printing, 180
screen capture, 179
Process menu
overview, 329
Processes tab page
Thresholding, 331
Properties window, 332
active mode, 189
Anticipator, 338
Auxiliary Trigger Output, 333
bracket pulsing, 189
Burst On/Off, 338
Comm Port tab page, 334
continuous exponential mode, 190
continuous linear mode, 190
Continuous Pulsing dialog box, 335
continuous pulsing setup, 189
download to, 338
Interactive Pulse Width and Delay dialog
box, 335
Interactive Trigger Setup dialog box, 336
internal sync, 369
operation of, 186
pulse counter, 345
Pulse Counter, 337
pulse delay, 255, 336
Pulse Sequence Setup
Exponential Increment, 340
Fast decay and Slow decay, 340
sequential exponential algorithm, 340
Pulse Sequence Setup
Amplitude parameter, 341
Fixed Increment, 340
Number of Images, 339
Pulse Delay, 340
Pulse Width, 340
Amplitude parameter, 341
Time Constant parameter,