
# of Images, 296
.SPE to ASCII convert snap-in, 203
3152 Frame Grabber, 87
3152 tab page, 211
3D graph
cursor control, 238
3D Graph display, 116
3D Layout tab page
3D Mode, 204
3D Properties, 205
Marker Curves, 206
Z Axis Endpoint, 125, 205
3D Mode
Multi-Strip, Same Frame, 205
Same Strip, multiframe, 205
3D Properties
Highlight cursor curve, 205
Remove hidden line, 205
Show hidden surface, 205
5 MHz MicroMAX
ADC Offset, 213
camera type, 60
controller type selection, 60
controller version, 60
Controller/Camera page, 60
hardware selection, 60
Readout mode, 60
RS170 type, 61
shutter type, 60
user defined chip, 61
5%-95% data window button, 249
A page (math), 208
A page parameters
Datatype, 208
Frame, 208
Input A, 208
X Range, 208
Y Range, 208
A/D 3152 tab page, 211
About Winview, 282
Absolute image math operation, 148, 305
Absolute Value, 147
Access pattern
how to store, 139
Accumulations, 297
Acquire Flat Field, 210
Acquisition buffer, 271
Acquisition menu
Acquire, 209
Acquire Background, 210
Acquire Flat Field, 210
Experiment Setup, 209
Exposure/Intensity, 210
Focus, 209
Hardware LUT…, 210
Pulse Counter, 210
Readout Time, 210
RS170, 210
Start Storage, 210
Stop Acquisition, 210
Video Focus, 209
ADC Offset, 213
ADC tab page, 212
Bit Adjust, 213
Controller Gain, 213
Rate, 213
Resolution, 213
Type, 212
Add/Remove Programs, 41
Addition, 147
Addition image math operation, 147, 304
AND image math operation, 148, 305
Anticipator, 338
Statistics, 363
Arrange Icons, 382
Aspect Ratio fixed, 283
Asynchronous (Safe Mode), 370
Auto data window button, 249
Auto save and prompts, 245
Auto Select
at least three strips, 100, 279
Data display types, 99, 278
eleven or more strips, 100, 279
one strip, 100, 279
two strips, 100, 279
Auto Select algorithm, 99, 107, 278, 303
Auto Select Image, Graph or 3D Graph, 99
Automatic Black function, 375
Automatic Brightness, 374
Automatic Gain, 374
Auxiliary buttons
Open dialog box, 302