
368 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Timing tab page
This page controls the controller timing parameters. Although all of the possible
selections are discussed in the following paragraphs, note that not all of them will be
available with any particular controller model.
The Timing Mode determines how the system will respond to external
TTL signals. The choices are:
Free Run:
Collects data continuously without need for synchronization with an external
External Sync:
Data acquisition is synchronized with an externally derived signal.
Best suited to synchronized acquisition of repetitive signals. See controller or
system hardware manual for information on how this is done with your
particular system.
IEC (Internal Exposure Control):
Applies only to the special Double Image
MicroMAX, which can capture two fast full-frame images before reading out. In
this timing mode, capture of the first mode begins on application of an external
trigger. The second capture immediately follows the first. The exposure time is
that set via the Experiment Setup
tab page.
EEC (External Exposure Control):
Applies only to the special Double Image
MicroMAX, which can capture two fast full-frame images before reading out. In
this timing mode, timing of an externally derived trigger sets the exposure time
of the first image, while the Experiment Setup
tab page sets the exposure
time of the second image. The second image capture follows immediately after
the first.
Figure 331.
Timing tab