
406 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
bracket pulsing, 193
Comm Port tab page, 253
continuous exponential mode, 194
continuous linear mode, 194
Continuous Pulsing dialog box, 254
continuous pulsing setup, 194
Download to DG-535, 253
Interactive Trigger Setup dialog box, 256
operation of, 191
port address, 192
pulse delay, 255
Pulse Sequence Setup
Exponential Increment, 259
Amplitude parameter, 260
Fast decay and Slow decay, 259
Fixed Increment, 259
Number of Spectra, 258
Pulse Delay, 259
Pulse Width, 259
sequential exponential algorithm, 259
Amplitude parameter, 260
Time Constant parameter,
Time Constant, 260
Pulse Sequence Setup dialog box, 258
pulse width, 255
Pulsing tab page, 193, 256
sequential pulsing setup, 194
slope, threshold & impedance, 193
trigger frequency, 256
trigger mode, 192
trigger mode radio buttons, 256
Triggers tab page, 262
DG-535 Digital Delay/Pulse Generator, 181
DG-535 Init button, 253
DG-535/GPIB diagnostics dialog box, 254
Controller Registers dialog box, 264
Diagnostics menu, 265
Dialog box access buttons, 50
Dialog boxes, 49
Display Label Settings dialog box, 266
Display Layout Cursor tab page, 237
Display Layout window, 111
overview, 266
Display menu, 267
Auto 5%-95%, 268
AutoScale, 267
Colorbar, 268
Infobar, 268
Layout, 267
Palette, 267
Toolbar, 268
Unzoom All, 268
Zoom In, 268
Zoom Out, 268
Display Properties Screen Saver tab page,
Display tab page, 269
Flip, 269
Reverse, 269
Rotate, 269
Thumbnail Graphics, 269
Display Tab page
Flip, 82
Reverse, 82
Rotate, 82
Display Tab Page, 82
Display timer (screen saver), 355
Displaying circuit.spe, 108
Displaying data as 3D graph, 116
Displaying moon4.spe, 117
Division, 147
Division image math operation, 147, 304
DLL versions, 373
additional, 24
Download to PTG, 338
EBI, 142
ECP interface, 84
Edge Enhance, 229, 376
Edge Enhance box, 230, 376
Edge Enhancement, 151, 270
Edge Enhancement Parameters tab page,
Edge Enhancement procedure, 154
Edge Trigger, 370
Edit boxes, 50
Edit menu
Copy function, 270
Cut and Paste, 270
Edit/New Pattern, 350
EEC timing, 368
EN/CLK, 372
Enable On-Line Thresholding, 331
Environment dialog box
optimizing for data collection, 271
overview, 270
Erase Labels, 349
ESABI timing, 369
Exclusive OR image math operation, 149,
Execute Macro, 295
Exit Setup button, 38