C1572M (9/05) 87
The 9700 directory is the working directory of the CM9700-CC1. From the root directory, you can navigate to the 9700 directory by entering
cd 9700 and then pressing Enter. The C:\9700 prompt appears.
To view the contents of the 9700 directory, enter dir
and then press Enter (refer to Figure 41).
Figure 42. CM9700-CC1 9700 Directory
As shown in Figure 42, the 9700 directory includes the following CM9700-CC1 system software files:
• CM9700.EXE: System executable file that runs under the MS-DOS 6.22 operating system. When the CM9700-CC1 boots, the CM9700.EXE
file executes the operational software and loads configuration files (discussed below) for system operation.
• Configuration files, which consist of the following:
NODEx.ALM (alarm setup file) NODEx.MSG (message setup file)
NODEx.CAM (camera setup file) NODEx.MON (monitor setup file)
NODEx.GPI (GPI setup file) NODEx.PIN (operator setup file)
NODEx.LCM (link camera setup file) NODEx.SCP (communication setup file)
NODEx.MAC (macro setup file) NODEx.SYM (system setup file)
where NODEx is the root name and x equals the node number. For a single-node system, the root name of the configuration files is NODE1
as shown in Figure 42. For each node within a multi-node system, configuration file root names are numbered sequentially according to the
CM9700-NW1 port number to which each CM9700-CC1 is connected, for example, NODE5 and NODE6 in a two-node system.
Note the following:
• The NODEx.IDN configuration file that appears in the C:\9700 directory is not used.
• The number of bytes shown for the configuration files and the number of bytes shown at the bottom of the 9700 directory listing may
vary from the numbers shown in Figure 42 depending on the particular configuration of your system.
Note that the 9700 directory also contains the startup.bat file. The startup.bat file is a batch file (a file that contains a sequence of commands)
that automatically loads the CM9700.EXE system executable file and all configuration files. The default startup.bat file reads as follows:
CM9700 NODEx
x is the node number, for example, 1 for a single-node system (NODE1).
11:24:32.17 Tue 07-19-2005 C:\9700>dir
Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is 1B13-0FD8
Directory of C:\9700
. <DIR> 07-19-05 10:54a
.. <DIR> 07-19-05 10:54a
CM9700 EXE 916,208 01-26-05 10:16a
GSERVER DRV 65,478 03-11-96 1:47p
HELVB FON 50,880 11-12-87 1:25p
STARTUP BAT 19 03-15-04 2:09p
NODE1 ALM 74 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 CAM 1,912 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 GPI 75 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 IDN 75 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 LCM 74 07-19-05 1:17P
NODE1 MAC 75 07-19-05 1:17P
NODE1 MSG 120 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 MON 1,464 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 PIN 117 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 SCP 2,630 07-19-05 1:17p
NODE1 SYM 227 07-19-05 1:17p
17 file(s) 1,039,428 bytes
25,304,389 bytes free
11:24:34.26 Tue 07-19-2005 C:\9700>