C1572M (9/05) 9
System Overview
This section provides an overview of the System 9760
video matrix switching control system, hereinafter referred to simply as the 9760 system.
The following information is provided:
Description of the basic components of the 9760 system
Summary listing of 9760 system device models and compatible equipment
The 9760 system allows control and monitoring of up to 2,048 video input devices (for example, cameras) and 512 video output devices (for
example, monitors). The 9760 system consists of the following basic components (refer to Figure 1):
CM9700-CC1 central processing unit (CPU): Controls system operation and therefore is also commonly referred to as the controller.
Connects to a wide variety of peripheral equipment. Detailed information about the CM9700-CC1 is provided in this manual.
CM9760-MXB matrix bay: Performs all video switching functions as directed from the CM9700-CC1. Connects to a maximum of 256 video
input devices and 16 video output devices. Detailed information about the CM9760-MXB is provided in this manual.
CM9760-KBD keyboard: Provides the user interface to system operations. Detailed information about the CM9760-KBD is provided in the
CM9760-KBD/KBR Keyboard Installation/Operation manual.
CM9700-MGR system management software: Allows easy system setup and configuration and therefore is also commonly referred to as
the System Manager. Requires installation on a PC that meets CM9700-MGR system requirements. Detailed information about the
CM9700-MGR software and PC system requirements is provided in the CM9700-MGR Software Guide.
Figure 1.
Basic Components of a 9760 System
If your 9760 system includes a CM9760-CC1 that is running version 8.03.xxx or earlier software and you are using CM9760-MGR
software, refer to the CM9760-CC1 and CM9760-MGR documentation provided with your system.
In addition to the basic components, you can also use peripheral devices in the 9760 system. Peripheral devices include equipment such as
KBD300A/KBD200A keyboards, CM9760-MDA master distribution amplifiers, CM9760-ALM alarm interface units, CM9760-REL relay interface
units, Genex
multiplexers, and Pelco