
58 C1572M (9/05)
You can set system time in a single-node system using the PC keyboard that is connected to the AT-compatible keyboard port of the
CM9700-CC1. Using the CM9700-CC1 PC keyboard, you can also adjust system time if the system clock is running fast (system lead time) or slow
(system lag time). For detailed instructions to set and adjust system time, refer to the sections that follow.
NOTE: System time can also be set using the CM9760-KBD rather than the CM9700-CC1 PC keyboard; however, to adjust system time, the
CM9700-CC1 PC keyboard must be used.
Setting System Time in a Single-Node System
Before setting system time, note the following:
Begin the process of setting system time close to the top of the hour.
When setting system time, you must synchronize the system clock to a reference time clock (RTC).
In a configuration having a CM9760-HS hot switch, setting and adjusting time on one CM9700-CC1 synchronizes the time between both
CM9700-CC1s. (For detailed information about the CM9760-HS hot switch, refer to the CM9760-HS Hot Switch Installation/Operation
To set the system time using the CM9700-CC1 PC keyboard, do the following:
1. From the CM9700-CC1 diagnostic screen, press Alt+N to display the current configuration filename.
The configuration filename is displayed in the System box. You will need to enter the name later in this procedure when directed.
2. Press Ctrl+Q to exit the 9760 system.
The C:\9700> prompt appears.
3. At the prompt, enter time and then press Enter.
The currently set time is displayed and the following prompt appears:
Enter new time:
4. Do the following:
a. Enter a time equaling the top of the hour in the xx:xx:xx.xx format followed by the letter a for AM or p for PM (for example,
2:00:00.00p for 2:00 PM). Do not press Enter.
b. Wait for the RTC to approach the top of the hour.
c. When the RTC equals the top of the hour, press Enter.
5. At the C:\9700> prompt, invoke the system executable by entering startup and then pressing Enter.
After the CM9700-CC1 initializes, the CM9700-CC1 diagnostic screen appears. In addition, the system time entered in step 4 is displayed
on all monitors in the system.
After the system has run 24 hours or a multiple of 24 hours, you can adjust system time if the system clock is running fast or slow when
compared to the RTC. To adjust system time, refer to the Adjusting System Time in a Single-Node System section.