
80 C1572M (9/05)
Table M. CM9700-CC1 System Error Troubleshooting
System Error Message Possible Cause Corrective Action
Port x ERR Coms Framing Mismatched baud rate settings Correct the baud rate setting in the
CM9700-MGR to match the settings in the
device connected to the specified port.
Port x ERR Coms Fatal Failure of communications line after power
up and initialization
Check and correct hardware fault.
Port x ERR Coms Parity Mismatched parity settings Correct the parity setting in the
CM9700-MGR to match the settings in the
device connected to the specified port.
Port x ERR Coms Max Retry If the communications line is faulty (wired
incorrectly or not seated properly), the
diagnostic screen displays this error. If the
communications line fails after power-up
and initialization, then a Port x ERR Coms
Fatal error appears, followed by a Port x ERR
Max Retry message.
Check and correct hardware fault.
Temporary communications fault Fault will automatically be corrected when
communications resume.
Noise on the data line Check data cables.