
112 C1572M (9/05)
The ASCII protocol consists of a basic ASCII character set used to transmit and receive commands between an ASCII communication device
(ACD) and the CM9700-CC1. Each command is identified by an ASCII character. Commands that require a numeric value must transmit the ASCII
representation of that value in front of the command identifier. Most of the commands are terminated with the lowercase letter a. Multiplexer
and VCR commands are terminated with the lowercase letter m.
The ASCII protocol also consists of an acknowledgement string that the CM9700-CC1 returns to the ACD. The acknowledgement may be a posi-
tive acknowledgement or a negative acknowledgement:
A positive acknowledgement consists of the ASCII characters AK terminated with the lowercase letter a as follows: AKa
A negative acknowledgement may be either of the following:
If a particular command sent by the ACD cannot be executed by the CM9700-CC1 and is rejected, the negative acknowledgement
consists of the ASCII characters NA followed by the command being rejected and then terminated with the lowercase letter a.
If a particular command sent by the ACD is not recognized by the CM9700-CC1, the negative acknowledgement consists of the ASCII
characters NA immediately terminated with the lowercase letter a as follows: NAa
Table O provides a summary listing of ASCII commands supported by the CM9700-CC1.
Table P provides descriptions of the ASCII commands.
Table Q provides examples of ASCII commands.