72 Installation for Local Servers Running Microsoft Windows SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide
5. Select the value of the name property, and change it to SMusers.
6. Select the value of the gid (group id) property, and change it to an
unused number (for example, 101).
7. You must now assign the SMadmin user to the SMusers group. Go
to the next section.
Assigning the SMadmin User to the SMusers Group
To assign the SMadmin user account to the SMusers group, complete the
following steps:
1. Open NetInfo Manager in the /Applications/Utilities folder.
2. Select groups.
3. Select the SMusers group.
4. Select the value of the users property.
5. Select the individual existing user values, and then click Delete to
remove them from the group.
Do not delete
value if it belongs to the group.
6. If the SMadmin user account is not already part of the group, click
the users property and select Insert Value from the Directory
menu. In the new_value box, type smadmin.
7. You must now create the SMstudent and SMteacher user accounts.
Go to the next section.