112 Installation for Local Servers Running Novell NetWare SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide
Performing a Live Backup of SuccessMaker
Enterprise Database
The SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6 live backup tool allows you to back up
your SuccessMaker Enterprise database without stopping the Sybase
database service.
After the backup has run, you can archive the files to tape.
You can only run the live backup tool from a Windows workstation
configured to run the SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6 management system.
For more information on configuring a Windows workstation to run
SuccessMaker Enterprise, go to “Setting Up SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.6
Client Workstations” on page 113.
Note: Be sure that you perform the live backup of the SuccessMaker
Enterprise database before or after students are actively using the system. If
students are logging on or logging off during the live backup process, the
database could be adversely affected.
To perform a live backup, complete the following steps:
1. Create a folder where you want to save the backup files. You can
create the folder on any local or network drive. For example, you
can create the folder C:\Backup\SMEDatabase.
2. On your taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.
3. Type the following command line in the Run dialog box:
Livebackup X Y
In the command line:
Driveletter is the mapped drive letter where the SuccessMaker
Enterprise system is installed.
X is the ODBC data source name of your SuccessMaker Enterprise
database. SME is the default name.
Y is the path name of the backup folder.
The following is an example of a complete command line:
SME C:\Backup\SMEDatabase
4. Click OK.