110 Installation for Local Servers Running Novell NetWare SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide
3. Type or select the location of the existing installation of SQL
Anywhere 8 for NetWare, and then click Next. The Choose
Destination Location page appears.
4. Type or select the folder containing the setup files, and then click
5. At the Select Components page, click Next. The Start Copying
Files page appears.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Finish to complete the setup.
8. You must now configure your Sybase NLM. Go to the next section.
Configuring Sybase NLM
1. From the server Console prompt, type the following:
load dbsrv8 -n SME -c15% -ti 0 -qp -x tcpip YYY:\
YYY is the name of the volume where the SuccessMaker Enterprise
v1.6 system is installed.
For more information on dbsrv8 switches, go to
“Switches Breakdown” on page 146.
2. When the database server loads successfully, the ASA 8.0.2 (4339) -
School Console screen appears and indicates that requests are now
being accepted.
3. Add the entire load dbsrv8 line from step 1 to your autoexec.ncf
file. Follow the instructions below to edit the autoexec.ncf file:
• From the server Console prompt, type nwconfig and press
ENTER. Select NCF files Options and press Enter. Select Edit
AUTOEXEC.NCF and press Enter.
At the bottom of the autoexec.ncf file, type the load dbsrv8
line from step 1. When you have finished typing the line, press
Esc to exit and select Yes to save changes to the autoexec.ncf
4. You must now verify that the Sybase NLM is configured correctly.
Go to the next section.