SME v1.6 Enterprise Local Server Installation Guide Installation for Local Servers Running Microsoft Windows 65
11. To view reports on your Macintosh workstation, you must install a
Macintosh LAN report service. Go to “Installing a Macintosh LAN
Report Service” on page 66.
Mac OS 10.2.8-10.4.2
If you are installing and configuring the Macintosh support for the OS 10.x
operating system, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to your Macintosh workstation as a user with
administrative rights.
2. Close all applications.
3. From the Apple menu bar, select Go and click Connect to Server.
The Connect to Server dialog box appears.
4. From the list of servers in the Connect to Server dialog box, select
your server or enter the IP address of the server in the Address
box, and then click Connect.
5. If you are prompted for a login name and password, log in as a
user with administrative rights and click Connect.
6. Select the volume you wish to mount and click Connect.
7. Double-click on the selected volume.
8. Open the ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\Mac folder on the
SME volume.
9. Double-click setup.hqx to extract the Setup file.
For Mac OS 10.4.x workstations, you must associate the
file with the Stuff It Expander utility. To do this, hold
down CONTROL, click the
file, point to
Open With
and then click
. In the Choose Application dialog box,
browse to
Applications Mac OS9\Internet Utilities\Aladdin
Folder\Stuff It Expander 6.0\Stuff It Expander
, and then click
10. Double-click newsetup.hqx to extract the Newsetup file.
11. To view reports on your Macintosh workstation, you must install a
Macintosh LAN report service. Go to the next section.