98 Chapter 6 Configuring RMON using Device Manager
Disabling Ethernet statistics gathering
To disable Ethernet statistics that you have set:
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, choose Rmon > Control.
The RmonControl dialog box opens with the History tab displayed.
Click the Ether Stats tab.
The Ether Stats tab opens (Figure 36 "RmonControl dialog box --
Ether Stats tab" (page 96)).
3 Highlight the row that contains the port ID you want to delete.
Click Delete.
The Ether Stats entry is removed from the table.
RMON Alarms
Alarms are useful when you need to know when the values of a variable go
outside a specified range. You can define an RMON alarm for any MIB
variable that resolves to an integer value. You cannot use string variables
(such as system description) as alarm variables.
All alarms share the following characteristics:
An upper and lower threshold value is defined.
A corresponding rising and falling event occurs.
An alarm interval or polling period is reached.
When alarms are activated, you can view the activity in a log or a trap log,
or you can create a script to notify you by beeping a console, sending
e-mail, or calling a pager.
How RMON alarms work
The alarm variable is polled and the result is compared against upper and
lower limit values you select when you create the alarm. If either limit is
reached or crossed during the polling period, then the alarm fires and
generates an event that you can view in the event log or the trap log.
The upper limit of the alarm is called the rising value, and its lower limit is
called the falling value. RMON periodically samples the data based upon
the alarm interval. During the first interval that the data passes above the
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration — System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
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