
Viewing the RMON fault event log 117
Viewing the RMON fault event log
RMON events and alarms work together to notify you when values in your
network go outside a specified range. When values pass the specified
ranges, the alarm is triggered and fires. The event specifies how the activity
is recorded.
An event specifies whether a trap, a log, or a trap and a log are generated
to view alarm activity. When RMON is globally enabled, two default events
are generated:
Rising Event
Falling Event
Default events specify that when an alarm goes out of range, the firing of
the alarm is tracked in both a trap and a log. For example, when an alarm
fires at the rising threshold, the rising event specifies that this information
be sent to both a trap and a log. The RMON Event Log page works in
conjunction with the RMON Threshold page to enable you to view a history
of RMON fault events.
To view a history of RMON fault events:
è From the main menu, choose Fault > RMON Event Log.
The RMON Event Log page opens (Figure 50 "RMON Event Log page"
(page 117)).
Figure 50
RMON Event Log page
Table 50 "RMON Event Log page fields" (page 117) describes the fields on
the RMON Event Log page.
Table 50
RMON Event Log page fields
Item Description
Time Stamp Specifies the time that the event occurred.
Description An implementation dependent description of the event
that activated this log entry.
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
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