Configuring port mirror ing 67
Item Range Description
Index The number of the event.
Time Stamp The time, in hundreths of
a second, between system
initialization and the time the log
messages entered the system.
Message Type The type of message. The
options are (1) Critical, (2)
Serious, and (3) Informational.
System Log
Message A character string that identifies
the origin of the message and
the reason why the message
was generated.
In the System Log (View By) section do one or more of the following:
Choose the number of the unit from which to display messages.
Choose to display messages from both volatile and non-volatile
memory or from non-volatile memory only.
• Choose to clear messages from both volatile and non-volatile
memory, from non-volatile memory only, or from neither.
Click Submit.
The results of your request are displayed in the System Log section
(Figure 21 "System Log page" (page 66)).
Configuring port mirroring
The Ethernet Switches support port mirroring to analyze traffic. You can
view existing port mirroring activity, and you can configure a specific switch
port to mirror up to two specified ports or two MAC addresses. When you
configure port mirroring, you have the option to specify either port-based
monitoring or address-based monitoring.
In a stack configuration, you can monitor ports that reside on different units
within the stack.
To configure port mirroring:
Step Action
From the main menu, choose Application > Port Mirroring.
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration — System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
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