Viewing system statistics 79
Item Description
SQE Test Errors The number of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated
by the PLS sublayer for a particular interface. The SQE TEST ERROR is
defined in section of ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985, and its generation
is described in section of the same document.
Deferred Transmissio
The number of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a
particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy.
Single Collision
The number of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface
for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision.
Multiple Collision
The number of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface
for which transmission is inhibited by a single collision.
Late Collisions The number of times a collision is detected on a particular interface later
than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet.
Excessive Collisions The number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface
fails due to excessive collisions.
In the upper-left hand corner, click on the unit number of the device
to monitor.
The table is updated with the information for the selected device.
To refresh the statistical information, click Update.
To update the statistical information, click Update, or click Back to
return to the Ethernet Errors page
Viewing transparent bridging statistics
You can view the transparent bridging statistics measured for each
monitored interface on the device.
To view transparent bridging statistics:
Step Action
From the main menu, choose Statistics > Transparent Bridging.
The Transparent Bridging page opens (Figure 27 "Transparent
Bridging page" (page 80)).
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration — System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Networks Confidential