Port mirroring 23
Table 2 "Por t Mirroring Configuration screen fields" (page 23) describes the
Port Mirroring Configuration screen fields.
Table 2
Port Mirroring Configuration screen fields
Field Description
Allows a user to select any one of six port-based monitoring modes
or any one of five address-based monitoring modes (see Table
3 "Monitoring modes" (page 24)). Selecting any one of the six
port-based modes activates the port X and port Y screen fields,
where a user can choose up to two ports to monitor. Selecting any
one of the five address-based modes activates the Address A and
Address B screen fields, where a user can specify MAC addresses
to monitor.
Default Value: Disabled
Monitoring Mode
Range: See Table 3 "Monitoring modes" (page 24)
Indicates the port number (of the specified unit) that is designated
as the monitor port.
Default Value: Zero-length string
Monitor Unit/Port
Range: 1 to 8 or 1 to 26 (depending on model type)
Indicates one of the ports (of the specified unit) that is monitored by
the designated port monitor when one of the port-based monitoring
modes is selected.
This port is monitored according to the value of Port X in the
Monitoring Mode field (see Table 3 "Monitoring modes" (page 24)).
Default Value: Zero-length string
Unit/Port X
Range: 1 to 8 or 1 to 26 (depending on model type)
Indicates one of the ports (of the specified unit) that is monitored by
the designated port monitor when one of the port-based monitoring
modes is selected. When installed as a stand-alone switch, the
screen does not display the (Unit/) field designation. This port is
monitored according to the value of Port Y in the Monitoring Mode
field (see Table 3 "Monitoring modes" (page 24)).
Default Value: Zero-length string
Unit/Port Y
Range: 1 to 8 or 1 to 26 (depending on model type)
Nortel Ethernet Switch 460/470
Configuration — System Monitoring
NN47210-503 01.01 Standard
3.7 22 February 2007
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