
© National Instruments Corporation G-5 Lookout Operator’s Manual
receive gap A serial communications setting that determines the number of empty bytes
(or amount of time) a driver receives before recognizing the end of a
message frame and requesting another message.
RTS Request to Send, part of a handshaking protocol for certain devices that
connect the serial port of a computer.
security accounts Also called user and group accounts, Lookout uses security accounts to
define what users or group of users have different operation privileges in
server A process that provides data (services) to client processes. In Lookout,
server processes are intended to be run on one computer only, with direct
connections to field hardware. Client processes interact with field hardware
through server processes.
source file Lookout file that can be compiled to produce a binary Lookout process file
that runs a process. Uses a
.lks file extension.
state file The Lookout file that stores the value of all Lookout control parameters and
object data members in use in a process. Uses the file extension
system objects Lookout objects used to control other objects or process and analyze data.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol, a method (protocol) for sending data
between computers. Used with IP, the Internet Protocol.
TCP/IP TCP/IP sends data as packets, with IP handling the delivery of data and
TCP keeping track of the individual packets.