Chapter 3 Lookout Runtime Menu Commands
© National Instruments Corporation 3-5 Lookout Operator’s Manual
File»Log off
Security Level: 1
Shortcut Keys: <CTRL+L>
The F
ile»Log off command instantly logs off the current account name and
leaves (nobody) logged onto the system. You can also initiate this command
by clicking on the account box near the bottom left corner of the screen,
where the account name appears. When the Welcome to Lookout dialog
box appears, click on the Log Off button.
Security Level: 8
Shortcut Keys: none
The F
ile»Exit command halts the executing process and exits Lookout.
After you select F
ile»Exit, Lookout gives you the opportunity to save the
process files and asks you to verify that you want to stop the current
The File»Exit command shuts down process execution—be very sure that this is
what you want to do before selecting this command. Your Lookout application may be
controlling critical processes, and shutting it down could cause serious problems.
Edit Command
Edit»Edit Mode
Security Level: 9
Shortcut Keys: <CTRL+SPACE>
The Edit menu commands are only available when Lookout is in edit mode.
You can use edit mode to create and/or modify a process file. Only people
with a security level of 9 or membership in the Administrator group can
enter edit mode. Edit mode is not available in run-time only packages.