
Chapter 2 Lookout Basics
Lookout Operator’s Manual 2-8 www.natinst.com
Virtual Keyboard
Lookout also has a virtual keyboard you can use with a touch-sensitive
screen or a mouse.
To enable the virtual keyboard, select Options»System and then check
Left Mouse Click or Right Mouse Click in the Virtual Keyboard Pops
Up section of the dialog box.
When this feature is enabled, clicking in a data entry field or touching the
field on a touch-sensitive screen displays the virtual keyboard.
Lookout Application Files
Lookout has four unique files for every application: a process file, a source
code file, a state file, and a security file.
For Lookout to run a process properly, you must have the process (
and security (
.lka) files for that process in your computer.
If you do not have the source and state files, Lookout can recreate these files
from the other two.
Process File
A process file is a compiled file that contains the Lookout process you want
to run. Process files are binary files with an
.l4p (Lookout Process) file
name extension.
Source Code File
Lookout compiles a source code file to create an .l4p file. Source code
files have an
.lks (Lookout Source) file name extension.
Because the binary format of Lookout process files both past and future is
subject to change for efficiency reasons, you should always keep your
source files backed up. This is the file you will recompile to open a process
created in an older version of Lookout with any new version of Lookout
released in the future.
You can recompile Lookout source files through the Open command.