
Chapter 2 Lookout Basics
© National Instruments Corporation 2-9 Lookout Operator’s Manual
To compile a source file inside Lookout, select File»Open. The following
dialog box opens.
Set the Files of type to
Lookout Source Files (*.lks) and select the
source file you want to compile.
State File
The state file contains the actual values of object data members. These
values include setpoints and other important data held within and used by
objects. You might think of the state file as permanent memory for Lookout
setpoints and real-time trends. Lookout uses the state file to store the
position of switches, potentiometers, and trend lines. When Lookout first
loads an application, it reads the appropriate state file to determine what
state the pots, switches, trend lines, and so on should be in upon startup.
The state file updates any time you save, close or exit the Lookout
application file. It can also update on a periodic basis as defined in the
System Options dialog box. You invoke this dialog box by selecting the
ptions»System menu command. State files have an .l4t (Lookout
State) file name extension.