
Chapter 3 Lookout Runtime Menu Commands
Lookout Operator’s Manual 3-16 www.natinst.com
Set the format for printing times in the Time Format list.
You can adjust your alarm filters for printing by clicking on the Filter
Options button to access the alarm filter options
Note You can print alarms as they happen by specifying a printer port in the Log alarms
to field of the System Options dialog box, accessed by selecting Options»System from
the menu bar. This works well for a printer directly connected to your computer. To print
alarms directly to a network computer, you must capture a port in the network printer driver
and link it to your networked printer. Consult your operating system documentation for
detailed instructions on how to capture a port for a printer driver.
Alarms»Select All
Security Level: 2
Shortcut Keys: none
The A
larms»Select All command is a shortcut method for selecting all
visible or non-filtered alarms for acknowledgment. Alarms that are not
visible because of filtering or because the alarm window is minimized will
not be selected. This is especially useful if your process is experiencing
high numbers of alarms. Selecting each alarm individually can be very
time consuming.
Alarms»Deselect All
Security Level: 2
Shortcut Keys: none
This command is a shortcut method for deselecting all alarms that are
currently selected for acknowledgment. If you want to deselect only
specific alarms, click on the individual alarm line.
Security Level: 2
Shortcut Keys: none
Operators select the A
larms»Acknowledge command to acknowledge
alarms that are currently selected for acknowledgment.
If you select one or more alarms for acknowledgment, a dialog box appears
for you an operator to enter a comment concerning the alarm. Comments
are optional, and you can click on OK to finish acknowledging alarms
without entering a comment. You can search the database for alarms or