items in front of the vents, particularly when the heater is in use.
e heated air coming out could cause damage.
Never run the heater in a conned space, such as a garage or
shop. Fumes from the engine can have deadly consequences.
See also the Common Sense Approach section of this Owner’s
Manual regarding carbon monoxide danger.
Carbon monoxide is emitted from the engine’s exhaust system.
Never run the engine without proper ventilation. Do not run the
engine in a conned space or where fumes may be trapped.
Hydraulic Steering System
Some models oer a hydraulic steering system as an option.
At any time, if the steering is sluggish, dicult, or shows any
signs of not working smoothly and properly, the boat should
immediately be taken to an authorized MasterCra dealer for
attention. e hydraulic steering system is not accessible to the
consumer for repair or maintenance, all of which should be
done by the dealer.
Some models may be equipped with incandescent bulbs in the
head, storage areas or in some instances in the forward and
a-facing lights. ese lights are replaceable as would be any
incandescent light bulb.
Other lighting that is L.E.D. will require replacement along
with the housing in which they are contained. is includes the
underwater lights, courtesy lights and other auxiliary lighting.
ese lights will need to be replaced by an authorized Master-
Cra dealer.
Also note that the underwater lights should never be operated
unless the boat is in the water. Even though these are L.E.D.
lights, they generate some heat and require the cooling eect
of the water to avoid premature burn-out of the bulb.
Livewell/Kill Box/Catch Box
One of the options on the CSX models is a shing package. e
boxes to hold catch are removable. Water is added manually to
the boxes when desired. Be sure to remove the water and catch
at the conclusion of the excursion. Leaving the water and/or
catch can result in unpleasant odors, mildew, mold and other
damage to the box that is not covered under warranty.
Some models oer optional refrigeration. In the MariStar 280
and X-80 models, it is a refrigerator unit, which is free of CFCs,
and instructions are provided by the manufacturer. In the CSX
265 models, cold plates are provided in the two storage bins
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 19-5