(All Models)
e voltmeter registers the electrical
activity necessary to operate your
boat. If the battery (or batteries, in
boat models requiring two [2]) is
low or non-functional, or if various
electrical items on the boat, such as
stereo equipment, are draining the
battery(ies) and impacting the boat’s
ability to function properly, the volt-
meter will likely be the rst gauge
to indicate that you have an electrical problem. e voltmeter
cannot tell you which battery is draining on boats with two (2)
batteries, but rather functions as a general alarm to alert boat-
ers regarding potential issues. On boats equipped with two (2)
batteries, the alarm indicates severe drain on the engine starting
battery. To determine which battery is the engine starting bat-
tery, read the markings on the battery cables.
Wash Down Switch
(Optional Installation for all
MariStars CSX 220, CSX 265,
and X-Star, including Saltwater
A water tank option within available
models can provide a fresh-water wash of the boat interior. e
tank will be eight (8) or twenty-ve (25) gallons capacity, de-
pending on the boat model. e two-position switch is pressed
up for ON and down for OFF.
Variations in Gauges and Switches
Please note that not every gauge or switch explained in this
Owner’s Manual is found on every model. Some equipment is
optional and not every option is available on all models of Mas-
terCra boats.
Also, MasterCra utilizes a variety of gauge and switch styles.
ese dierences are not in functionality. If a boat is equipped
with a gauge or switch that is labeled as described above, it will
operate in the same fashion as the description even if its appear-
ance is dierent.
If the owner and/or operators are uncertain about a gauge’s or
switch’s purpose, do not operate the boat until consulting with
an authorized MasterCra dealer. Some gauges monitor infor-
mation that is critical to safe and long-term usage of the boat.
Some switches can aect maneuverability, as well as operations
that impact long-term use of the boat.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 5-11