fuel injectors and intake valves. Others can build up deposits
in combustion chambers and may lead to intake valves sticking.
ese lower levels of additives can have a negative impact on
engine performance and vehicle responsiveness.
For a current list of gasoline retailers supplying TOP Tier gaso-
line, go to www.toptiergas.com and click on RETAILERS.
Damage to the engine by use of low-quality gasoline or gasoline
with an octane rating below the minimum level listed will void the
warranty on the boat.
Fuels that are blended to contain methanol or wood alcohol
should not be used. These fuels can corrode metal parts in the
fuel system and engine. Fuels that contain methanol will damage
the engine. Damage caused by the use of unapproved fuels is not
covered by warranty.
When the Boat Is Not Used for a While
Indmar recommends the regular use of Sta-Bil® fuel stabilizer for
boat users whose outings consume less than a tank of fuel every
two (2) weeks. Today’s fuels are more susceptible to degradation,
and the use of a quality stabilizer will help ensure fewer prob-
lems for the occasional boater.
If the boat has not been used for more than thirty (30) days and
fuel remains in the tank (even stabilized fuel), the engine may
run poorly until the “old” fuel is used up. e manufacturer will
not pay for repairs to components that are inoperable or dam-
aged from old and/or poor quality fuel, as this is not covered
under the engine warranty.
Extended storage with fuel in the system
can affect the fuel’s stability and may
require system inspection and fuel lter
replacement when the unit is placed back
into service.
Using Oxygenated Fuels or
Fuels with Alcohol
MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is an
oxygenate and octane enhancer. is
compound may be blended with fuel.
Fuel that is no more than een percent
(15%) MTBE is acceptable for use in the
Indmar engine.
Ethyl alcohol, ethanol or grain alcohol is acceptable as long as
it is a blend and the blended fuel contains no more than ten
percent (10%) ethanol.
Fuels Outside the
United States and Canada
If the Indmar-equipped boat is operated outside the USA or
Canada, unleaded fuels may be dicult to obtain. Leaded fuels
are not recommended as engine components will last longer us-
ing unleaded fuel.
Diesel-Power Engines
See the fuel restrictions and information provided in the Volk-
swagen engine manual. Note that the Volkswagen diesel-pow-
ered engine does not have a pump-in-tank fuel pick-up system.
A traditional system is featured with these engines.
When Fuel Runs Out or
Too Low for Proper Operation
MasterCra and Volkswagen strongly recommend that the fuel
level never be allowed to get so low as to introduce air into the
fuel line. is can cause not only “stumbling” in the engine’s
performance, but can potentially cause damage to the system
and/or engine. It can also be very challenging to get the engine
to re-re if there is an insucient amount of fuel and the engine
ceases to run for that reason.
However, such a situation can occur, and in those instances, if
the operator is not able to take the boat to an authorized Master-
Cra dealer to have the system primed and the engine re-red,
the following procedure has been provided by Volkswagen to
attempt to get the system working again:
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 6-2