new boat break-in
e rst y (50) hours of operation are the most important for
the boat. Proper break-in will ensure maximum performance
and the longest possible power-train life. e break-in period al-
lows moving parts within the engine and transmission to wear-
in properly. All MasterCra boats are lake-tested on the water
before leaving the factory, but the break-in must continue for the
rst y (50) hours of your ownership.
To ensure proper break-in and lubrication, boat owners should
not remove the factory break-in oil until after the initial ten (10)
hours of operation. At that time, an oil change should be per-
formed on the Indmar engines by an authorized MasterCraft
service technician at an authorized MasterCraft dealer.
Failure to follow the break-in procedure exactly as stated will
void the engine warranty!
NOTE: Before operating the boat for the rst time you must
read the engine manufacturer’s manual completely in addition
to this Manual!
e VW diesel engine does not require an oil change at 10
hours. e VW diesel engine requires an oil change every year
or 200 hours of operation. See the VW engine manual for spe-
cic guidelines and requirements to maintain the warranty.
Please follow the break-in procedure carefully. Close attention to
the following is very important:
• Maintain the proper oil level. Until the piston rings, cylinder
and other working internal parts are thoroughly seated, oil
consumption can be high and must be carefully watched.
(is continues to be important aer break-in, as well).
• Pay close attention to the gauges. It is
important to stop the engine immedi-
ately if the gauges indicate a problem.
Low oil pressure and overheating are
serious issues and require immediate
• Abnormal vibration or noises. ese
symptoms can precede trouble and
should not be ignored. Occasionally,
hardware may work loose, mount-
ings may need to be tightened or the
driveline may require attention.
• Fuel, oil or water leaks. Leaks can
pose a serious safety threat. If one
occurs, it is most likely to do so aer a
few hours of operation.
Vary the engine speed. Never run the engine for more than
three (3) minutes at any constant RPM during the break-in
period. Doing this will assist in the proper break-in of rings
and bearings.
• Plane the boat quickly. Operating the boat at low speeds
places an excessive load on the engine. Plane quickly, then
back down to a slower speed.
First Hours of Operation
Each engine manufacturer has detailed and specic require-
ments for proper engine break-in. at information is found
in the engine manual supplied, and must be followed exactly as
indicated. Failure to do so could cause engine damage and/or
failure that is not covered under warranty.
After Break-In
Once the break-in period is over, the boat may be operated con-
tinuously at any speed, but not beyond the maximum indicated
in the engine manual.
e engines are equipped with rev-limiters which will cause
a uttering sound when reached. If the boat has the correct
propeller set-up, operators should never reach the limiter, but
if that happens, it is a signal that you should reduce the throttle
and check with an authorized MasterCra dealer to determine
the cause.
Always remember that during normal operation you should al-
low the engine to warm up gradually. Be sure the engine is warm
before accelerating. Pay careful attention to the gauges. Also,
check the oil level frequently during the rst y (50) hours of
operation since the piston rings and cylinders require that much
time to seat properly.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 8-1