Son of a Gun
Orange 88 Degreaser
Roll Off
Bleach/Baking Soda
Turtle Wax/Tar Remover
Harbor Master
Any product not listed above in the list of Acceptable Upholstery
Do not use any silicone-based protectants because they will ex-
tract the plasticizers, leaving the vinyl hard and brittle. (Eventually
cracking will occur.)
Certain household cleaners, powdered abrasives, steel wool, and
solvent cleaners can cause damage and discoloration and are not
recommended. Dry cleaning uids and lacquer solvents should
not be used as they will remove printed pattern and gloss. Bleach
will deteriorate the thread.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 13-4
Common Stains Steps 1 2 3
Chewing Gum D A
Motor Oil B
Spray Paint B
Mildew or Wet Leaves* C B A
Yellow Mustard A B C
Oil-Base Paint D B
Suntan Lotion* A B
Tar/Asphalt D B
Lipstick A B
Latex Paint A B
Crayon D B
Ketchup A B
Grease D B
Ballpoint Ink* E B A
Household Soil A B
Permanent Marker* E B C
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate B
A = Medium-soft brush; warm soapy
B = Vinyl nish cleaner.
C = One (1) tablespoon ammonia, one-
fourth (1/4) cup of hydrogen peroxide,
three-fourths (3/4 cup of water/rinse/dry.
D = Wipe or scrape off excess (chill gum
with ice).
E = Denatured alcohol/rinse/dry.
*Sun tan lotion, shoe polish, wet leaves
and some other products contain dyes
that stain permanently.
Vinyl upholstery should be covered when
not in use to protect from further sun
exposure or natural acts of tree debris, air
pollutants and acid rain.
For storage, vinyl should be cleaned,
protected, covered and stored in a dry,
well-ventilated area.