Control Knobs
The knobsonthecontrolpanelcan be removedwiththecontrols intheOff position. Pull
each knob straightfrom the shaft. Washknobs inwarm soapywater ordishwasher;do
not use abrasivecleansersor materials. To replace each knob, matchflat part of knob
openingwiththe fiatoftheshaft,returningin Off position. Important: Neveruseametal
blade to pry knob off.
Control Panel Area and Clock Display Window
Wipe withpapertowelsdampenedwithsoapy wateror g_asscleaner. Do not sprayany
cleaning solutions directlyonto the Displaywindowor use large amountsof soapand
water. Do not scrub with S.O.S pads or abrasive cleansers.
Glass Window
Use any suitableglass cleaner or soapy water.Do not use excessive amountsof
water whichmay seep behind the glass.Do not use abrasivecleaningagents.
• Itis importanttokeepigniterportopeningsonburnersclear andfreeofobstructions
to avoid ignitionfailure and possiblegas buildup. Ifthe port openingsare blocked,
use a toothpick to remove food particles.
• The igniter cap and stem can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a plastic
scrubber. The wire electrode inside the cap can be cleaned with a small brush.
Rinseand dry.
Surface Burner Assembly
The surface burner assembly can be cleaned with mi_d detergents and a plastic
scrubber,or washedinthe dishwasher. To preventscratchingthe burnerheads,do not
use abrasivecleansers or scrubbing pads. Do NOTclean in a self-clean oven.
Note: Check to be sure all ports are open. To open cloggedports,insert a toothpick
directly into each port.
Although the burner grate is durable, it will gradually lose its shine and/or discolor,
regardlessof the care you take of it. This is dueto its exposureto the high temperature
of the gas flames.
To preservethe porcelain enamel finish as long as possible,have a pan on the grate
before you turn on the burner, and lower the flame when food reaches the desired
cooking temperature.