• When cooking foods for thefirst time in your new oven, use recipe cookingtimes
and temperaturesas a guide.
• Use tested recipes from reliable sources.
• Preheatthe oven only when necessary. For baked foods that rise and for richer
browning,a preheated oven is better. Casserolescan be started in a cold oven.
Preheating takes from 7 to 11 minutes; place food in oven after preheat beep.
• Arrange oven racks before turning on oven. Follow suggested rack positionson
pages 25 and 31.
• Allowabout 1to 1T/2inchesof spacebetweenthe ovensidewalls andpanstoallow
proper air circulation.
• When baking foods in morethan one pan, place them on opposite corners of the
rack. Stagger pans when baking on two racks so that one pan does not shield
another unless shieldingis intended. (See above left.)
• To conserve energy, avoid frequent or prolonged door openings. At the end of
cooking, turn oven off before removingfood.
• Alwaystestfordoneness(fingertip,toothpick,sidespullingawayfrompan). Donet
rely on time or brownnessas only indicators.
• Use good quality bakingpans and the size recommended in the recipe.
• Dull,dark,enameledorglasspanswillgenerallyproduceabrown,crispcrust. Shiny
metal pans producea light, golden crust.
• Frozenpies in shiny aluminumpans should be baked on a cookie sheet on rack 2
or be removed to a dull or glass pan.
• Ifedgeofpiecrustbrownstooquickly, foldastripof foilaroundrimofcrust, covering
edge. (See above right.)