Congratulations on your choice ofa Jenn-Air grill-range. The indoor grilling
of meats, fish or fowl isone of the most attractive and succulent methods
of preparing these foods.., a uniqueflexibility made possible by Jenn-Air's
patented integral ventilation system.
YourJenn-Air self-cleaning oven combinesthe bestoffour cooking methods,
conventional baking or roasting, convection baking or roastingand broiling.
The Jenn-Air convection oven is actually aconventional oven that circulates
heatedair within the oven. As both bake and broil heating elementscycle on
and off withthe thermostat, afan keepsthe heated air circulating around the
food. The constantly recirculating heated air in the convection oven strips
away the layer of cooler air that surrounds the food. Consequently, many
foods cook more quickly. Evenly distributed heat makes multiple rack
cooking possible, Convection roasted meats retain their natural flavor and
juiciness with less shrinkage than conventional roasting.
Inaddition to the many exclusive benefits of convection cooking, your Jenn-
Air oven is also afine fullfeatured conventional bake andbroil oven. You can
cook your "old favorite" recipes as you have in the past. The conventional
bake oven also gives you the flexibility of preparing various foods when
convection cooking may not be as beneficial, as when cooking foods in
covered casseroles or clay pots. The broil element is convenient for top
browning and oven broiling of foods.
Beforeyou begin cooking with your newrange, pleasetake afew minutes to
read and become familiar with the instructions inthis book. On the following
pages you willfinda wealth ofinformation regarding all aspects ofusing your
new range. By following the instructions carefully, you will be able to fully
enjoyand properlymaintain your rangeand achieve excellent resultswiththe
food you prepare.
Should you haveany questions about using your Jenn-Air range, write to us.
Be sure to provide the model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370