Three-RackConvectionBaking Oven Meal
Forbestresults,bake foodsonone rackatatimeas describedinthismanual. However,
very good results can be obtainedwhen baking quantitiesof foods on multiple racks.
Quantity cooking provides bothtime and energy savings.
Convect Bake is suggested for most multiple rack cooking, especially three rack
cooking,becausethe circulatingheatedair resultsin moreeven browning. Fortwo rack
cooking,the conventionalbakeoven providesverygoodbakingresultsespeciallywhen
pans can be staggered,such as with layer cakes and fresh pies.
Many foods can be prepared on three racks at the same time. These are just a few
examples: cookies, cupcakes, rolls, biscuits, muffins, pies, pizzas, appetizers, and
snack foods.
To obtain the best results in multiplerack cooking,follow these suggestions:
• Use temperature and times in this manualas a guide for best results.
• For two rackbaking,rack positions#20and 4 are bestformostbakedproductsbut
positions #2 and 4 alsoprovide acceptableresults.
• For three rack baking use positions #1, 3o and 4. (See illustration above.) One
exception is pizza. (Seep. 37.)
• Since foodsonpositions#1and 4will usual]ybe donebeforefoodsonposition#30,
additionalcooking time will be neededfor browningfoodson the middle rack. An
additional minute is needed for thin foods such as cookies. For foods such as
biscuits,rolls, ormuffins,allow1to2 more minutes. Frozenpiesand pizzas,which
should be baked on a cookie sheet, need about 2 to 4 more minutes.
• Stagger small pans, such as layercake pans, in the oven.
• Frozenpies in shinyaluminumpansshouldbeplacedon cookiesheetsandbaked
on rack positions#1, 30 and 4.
• Cookiesheetsshould be placedlengthwise,side toside,infrontof the fan formore
even browning.
• Oven mealsare recommendedfor energyconservation. Userackpositions#1and
3oor #20and 4 and Convect Roast. (See illustrationabove.)