With yourJenn-Air grill literallyany food you'veconsidered"at itsbest" when prepared
outdoors can now be preparedindoors with less fuss and great flavor.
The following suggestionsare good rulesto follow and will increaseyour enjoymentof
the equipment.
• Be sure to follow directions on page 18 for usingthe grill.
• Suggestedcookingtimes and controlsettingsare approximatedue tovariations
in meats. Experiencewillquickly indicatecookingtimesas well as whichsettings
work best.
• For best results,buytop grademeat. Meatthat is at least3/4inchwill grillbetter
than thinner cuts.
• Score fat on edges of steak, but do not cut into meat, to prevent curling while
• For the attractive"branded"look onsteaks, be sure grill is preheated. Allow one
side of meattocooktodesireddoneness,oruntiljuicesappearonthetopsurface,
before turning. Turn steaks and hamburgers just once. Manipulating food
causes loss of juices.
• When basting meats or applying sauces to foods, remember that excessive
amounts wind up inside your grill and do not improve the food flavor. Apply
sauces duringthe last 15 to 20 minutesof cooking time unless recipe specifies
otherwise. Plus, any time a sugar-based marinade, (for example, barbecue
sauce)is going to be used,the grates should be "seasoned"priorto preheating.
(See p. 18.)
• Thereare manymeat marinadeswhichwill helptenderizelessexpensivecuts of
meat for cooking on the grill.
• Certainfoods,suchas poultryand non-oilyfish, mayneedsomeextrafat. Brush
with oil or melted butteroccasionallywhile grilling.
• Usetongs with long handles or spatulasforturning meats. Do not use forks as
these pierce the meat, allowingjuices to be lost.
• To help retain meatjuices, salt after turning meat or after cookingis completed.
Be sure the grill is cooland controls are Off.
Grill Grates
These aremadefromcast aluminumandarecoatedwiththe Excalibur@nonstickfinish.
• After the grill grates have cooled, wipe off grates with a paper towel. Wash cool
detergentin hotwaterinthesinkor washthemin thedishwasher.Besure to remove
all food residue before cooking on the grill grates again.
• Remove stubbornspots with a plastic mesh puff or pad. For best results,useonly
thosecleaningproductswhichstate theyare recommendedfor usewhencleaning
nonstick surfaces.
• Ifgratesare washedinthedishwasher,seasonwith oil priortogrilling. (Seep. 18.)
• Do not use metalbrushes or abrasivescouringpads or ether scrubbers intended
to clean outdoorcharcoalgrills. Thesewill removethe finish as well as scratchthe
grates. Do not cleanin the self-cleaningoven or use ovencleanerson the grates.