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NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
3.2 Display and Function
The LCD screen shows all measurement values of the analyzer and all customer
instructions. You can operate with five function keys, four arrow keys (cursors) and the
enter key. The function of each key depends on:
♦ the type of analyzer/analyzer module used
♦ the optional auxiliary modules (e.g. I/O boards) used
♦ the individual menu displayed
In case of power failure all customer specific module parameters are saved by a battery-
powered buffer.
3.3 "TAG" and Operating Keys
Display Status... Main... Channel Calib...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C
Operation: Ready
Range: 1
37.50 ppm CH4
0.00 50.00
0.0 100.0
Enter Key:
♦ To confirm a previously entered value
♦ To start a selected function
(Alternative: →→ -key)
♦ To go into a menu (via menu line)
Cursor keys:
↑↑ -key / ↓↓ -key:
♦ Line up / line down
within the same menu
♦ Alteration of numbers,
variables or digits
←← -key / →→ -key:
♦ Moving back/forwards
between the pages of
a menu
♦ Selection of digits
Function Keys:
♦ keys without defined functions
♦ The current function depends on
the menu selected
♦ The softkey legend is shown on
the display above the key
At the top left of each menu page you will find the tag of the current channel.
Typical tags:
♦ MLT/CH1/R1: MLT Analyzer or Analyzer Module / CHannel 1 / Range 1
♦ TFID-R1: Thermo FID Analyzer or Analyzer Module - Range 1
In this manual you will find normally "TAG" as general name. But in the specific MLT
menu pages you will find "MLT".