90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
NGA 2000
5 - 37
Main Menu — Analyzer and I/O-module expert configuration
Analyzer module setup
Programmable logic control (PLC)
In the menu "Programmable Logic Control" you can enable or disable the logic control of
the MLT analyzer, of the analyzer module or of the digital outputs by a corresponding
program. So, you can decide for instance if some calibration results should be sent to a
certain analyzer output. If you want to realize a program, you have to change to the
submenu "Program" (line "Programming..."). If you want to control the output status you
have to change to the submenu "PLC Outputs" (line "Results...").
The PLC is only able to work with signals of the MLT analyzer or analyzer module selected!
It is not possible to work with auxiliary modules or external undefined input signals!
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓↓ -key or the ↑↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 88 -key or the →→ -key.
♦ Select "Enabled" or "Disabled" in the line "PLC is" with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the parameter selected with the 88 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F4
95.00 ppm
-- Programmable Logic Control --
5.1 Analyzer Module Setup
5.1.6 Programmable Locic Control (PLC)