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NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
Programming ( + Consider the example p. 5-41 to 5-43 !):
1) Disable PLC:
• Before you will begin with the programming you have to disable the PLC function in
the line "PLC is" to avoid starting the program while you are writing it.
2) Put in the program:
• Press the 88 -key or the →→ -key in the line "Programming..." to change to the sub-
menu, where you can put in your program step by step (+ See example p. 5-42).
• A program is composed of single commands (e.g. Selecting a gas valve), which have
to be connected logically (e.g. OR-Operator). You have to put in a certain code in
every program line for each operator and each command (operand).
• You have to set every operator in the line before the commands that shall be
combined. If an intermediate result is not used in the process directly, you have to
delete the result buffer ("CLEAR"). So, you can avoid errors of the following logical
operations. Each program must end with the operator "-7" ("END of the program").
3) Enable PLC:
• You have to select "Enabled" in the line "PLC is" in the menu "Programmable Logic
Control" to start the program.
4) Controlling of the results:
• Press the 88 -key or the →→ -key in the line "Results..." of the menu "Programmable
Logic Control" to change to the submenu "PLC Outputs", where you can control the
output status.
Available operators for PLC:
Operator types Operator Description
No operation (= blank line)
operand to IR
operand to IR
the IR (intermediate result)
the IR to RB (result buffer)
of the program
Available Commands for PLC (Signal Codes 1 - 359):
General Signals
Signal ID Signal
1 RAM-Fail
2 ROM-Fail
3 Seconds; LOW/HIGH change all 1000 ms
4 Any sample gas valve selected (Channel 1...5)
5 Any zero gas valve (Channel 1...5)
6 Any span gas valve Selected (Channel 1...5)
7 NAMUR-status: Failure (Channel 1...5)
8 NAMUR-status: Maintenance Request (Channel 1...5)
9 NAMUR-status: Function Control (Channel 1...5)
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