
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
NGA 2000
5 - 23
Alarms Setup and Control – Example: Concentration Alarm Setup
Select the parameter you want in the menu "Alarms Setup", i.e. "Concentration",
and change to the corresponding menu:
Note: If the setup of the parameter selected is not possible, a corresponding message
will appear on the screen, i.e. no flow sensor installed to measure the flow.
1) Switch off the alarm control:
Before beginning the alarm parameter setup, you have to select "Off" in the line
"Alarm generation is".
Otherwise, an alarm may start during the parameter will be configured.
2) Signal limits setup for alarm ("Level -1, ... , -4"):
You can adjust four limit values for each signal parameter.
You should fix the low alarm with "Level -2" and the high alarm with "Level -3". Then,
you should save the low alarm with "Level -1" and the high alarm with "Level -4".
The units and the possible range of values depend on the signal parameter selected.
You also can adjust negative values:
Select the number with the 88 -key or the -key and press F4 (+/-) to change the sign.
3) Conditions for alarm start ("Alarm-1, ... , -4 if signal is"):
In these lines you can determine for which kind of exceeding each alarm shall be
Less: The alarm message will appear, if the value of the parameter selected is below
the corresponding limit ("Level -1, ..., -4").
Greater: The alarm message will appear, if the value of the parameter selected is
above the corresponding limit.
4) Switch on the alarm control:
Select one of the following set-ups to start the alarm control for the parameter limits
Measure Back... View...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.00 ppm
-- Concentration Alarm Setup --
Alarm generation is: Off
Level -2: 0.000 ppm
Level -3: 100.000 ppm
Level -4: 1000.000 ppm
Alarm-1 if signal is: Less
Alarm-2 if signal is: Less
Alarm-4 if signal is: Greater
Level -1: -10.000 ppm
Alarm-3 if signal is: Greater
5.1 Analyzer Module Setup
5.1.2 Alarm Parameters